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Why Businesses Should Invest More in Signage

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Good businesses know how to prioritise their investments when running their enterprises. They know to reinvest a portion of their profits back into the business to fund growth, they know to invest in quality talent who will make the whole thing work, they know to invest in the right equipment, and so on.

Where some go wrong is with what they view as “small details,” which for some can even include large corporations signage management. This is a mistake of course because as the old adage goes: the devil is in the details! Getting seemingly small things right like signage makes a huge contribution to the overall success of a business. Below we’ll explain why smart companies invest more in their signage.

1. Signage is Part of Their Brand Image

Cheap and tacky signage betrays an equally cheap and tacky brand not worthy of a discerning consumer’s attention. If you are serious about your undertaking to create a valuable and beloved brand, then you have to invest in all the areas in which that brand is displayed, and one of those is your signage.

Don’t forget that your signage is the first outward physical symbol of your brand. In the Internet age, people may well get their first impression of your brand through online advertising. However, when you operate a brick-and-mortar commercial operation, all the members of the community in which you are based, as well as everyone else who visits there, will be seeing your signage in the flesh.

2. Clear and Attractive Signage Sets them Apart from the Competition

Besides being a part of the brand image, signage is a part of any business’s competitive edge in the marketplace. People judge businesses quite harshly depending on the condition of their signage. Put simply, they’re more willing to do business with the one that has apparently put more time, attention and care into making their signage look great.

3. Quality Signage will Last

The old adage of “you get what you pay for” is very true when you invest in good-quality signage. It’s important to remember that your signs --- especially the outdoor signage --- are subject to a great deal of wear and tear. Outdoor signs have to withstand the effects of extreme heat, UV radiation, the rain and the wind, not to mention the ever-present threat of vandals and worse.

Investing in quality ensures that your sign can either be well protected from the things that would seek to wear it out, or at least can easily be cleaned up and restored to its original glory.

4. More Signage Can Make Your Workplace Safer

Investing in more signage can help make your workplace safer and reduce your risk of exposure to certain liabilities. Signs do more than just attract people to your store or inform customers or visitors where they can find certain people, places and things. Signage is also a key line of defence when it comes to warning people about present risks and dangers.

A simple example would be signs that denote a slippery freshly mopped floor. They may also indicate where emergency exits are, whether or not opening an emergency door will trip an alarm, and what people should do in the event of certain dangerous situations like the outbreak of a fire.

5. Clear and Attractive Signage Puts Customers at Ease

Customers and visitors to places like offices and hospitals tend to feel more at ease when signs are made according to the simple best-practice principles that we have described above. They reassure customers that they are in a place run by professionals, and that they’re on the right track to find what they need. Cheaping out on signage is to deny that experience to your customers or visitors to your establishment. Media Group

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